This example shows how to use the SysTick exception to switch tasks, and demonstrates the lazy floating-point state preservation optimization. It is a ...
As an example, the following diagram shows how the fields in ICH_VMCR_EL2 map on to the ICV register state. The active virtual priorities must be saved and ...
I try to initialize minimal hardware (which makes no difference) and make a call to xPortStartScheduler(). In portRESTORECONTEXT() macro I am getting a ...
When an RTOS scheduler decides a different task should be run than what is currently running, it will trigger a context switch. When switching ... Cortex-M ARM MCU Features · Registers · Demystifying the FreeRTOS... · The Port
I'm trying to write a context switch in a timer interrupt handler. Currently, the context switch is able to switch between contexts on command (cooperative).
This week I wrote an article containing the information I've always wished could be found in one place on the topic of Cortex-M RTOS context switching.